
VRA Chapters Around the World

Vulcan Owners Club Belgium

Chapter #32


Since in the neighboring countries, inter alia, the Netherlands and far beyond, existed VOC clubs emerged in autumn 1998 to launch the idea of a few fervent Vulcan riders to also in Belgium with a Vulcan Owners Club.

First and foremost, we sought contact with Kawasaki Belgium to ascertain whether there was a club called “Vulcan Owners Club Belgium”. When that turned out not to be, the light was put on green to start with Vulcan Owners Club. Marc Nouwen, Pierre Deloof and Marc Fries went around the table were to join together the ideas, and from there the VOCB arose.

To leave with a solid foundation, Marc N. ensured that statutes were written on paper Pierre took care of the contacts with Wallonia and Marc F. was responsible for all the printing and design of the club logo. To make us known to the wide engine driving public, we were in the spring of 1999, invited by Kawasaki Belgium to attend the car / engine room in Brussels with a stand. Our goal was to meet Vulcan drivers as much as possible, and we can say that this was a success.

Soon, the number of members grew and it was waiting for us to work a lot.

Then started the motorcycle season, the club already had some 40 members spread all over the country. We had found a more suitable place could serve as a clubhouse, namely “The Temple” in Leopoldsburg. On Friday night we were there together for a friendly chat and a drink. As a base this location was used as a gathering place for the start of our rides and events. The membership, especially with riders from Flanders, soon reached the mark of 100, and this for the first year.

In the month of September, we organized our first meet National Vulcan with the intention to bring together Vulcan riders as possible. In the spring of 2000, a general statutory meeting was organized from which the modern national government was elected. Because the members from all Flemish provinces were present, it was decided to appoint a head region in each province to support the people of his region. He was responsible for organizing one or two rides in his region. And so are our region rides occur, which are still held today with great success. In each region there is a region of space where monthly find a region evening place, even this space is used as a collecting point of departure for the region rides.

The next rides VOCB also organizes other activities such as visiting various foreign rallies, take VOCB annual club barbecue, club weekends and trips abroad. In the neighboring countries, we saw the growth of the VRA clubs (Vulcan Raiders Association) and soon became the first Vulcan International Rally organized by the Vra Holland in 2005.

During the presidents meeting then agreed to organize this year, always in a different country, and Sweden was a candidate to host the second rally. In Sweden we are then joined the VRA family, as chapter club. From then we went under the name VOCB-VRA association.

In 2007 we organized the 3rd European Vulcan Rally, and this with great success. Every year this meeting therefore the highlight for all Vulcan clubs, and you can build great friendships along the road across borders. These contacts are maintained and therefore we see us regularly on many international rallies.

All these activities together, we ensure that each year may bring a well-filled ride calendar to our members.

In 2012 were partly after question Kawasaki Belgium, also the engines of the W-series (W650, W800) admitted to the club. The owners of these “neo-retro” motors can also benefit from the expertise of the VOCB.


The VOCB brings three club magazines annually with news of the club happen and lots of information that will benefit our members. We have been called to live our own website where you can browse with full information about the ins and outs of the VOCB.

If you have an opinion or idea you want to share with others, can you keep it in the forum. This is the discussion organ, which is divided into different items, which are each thing can lose. In this way we can also transmit emergency information programs so that members are informed quickly and react quickly, which the club benefits.

The VOCB proposes no commitments or priorities of its members and let everyone free to participate in an event or ride. We hope that this brief description about the club is enough and we have what raised your interest.

The Board


Van Nuffelen Seppe

Vice President

Mahieu Christian


Scherens Robby


Leus Stephane

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