
VRA Chapters Around the World

Vulcan Riders Brasil

Chapter #55


The VRA is present in several locations in Brazil and worldwide. You can find more information about the Association on the “About Us”, which connects you to the international page of the Association.

Tours are informed via email or at the national whatsapp group where some members also take the time to ask questions and exchange experiences about their machines.

We have presence in social networks where we release photos and videos which presents us every day with new brothers in love with motorcycle and Kawasaki Vulcan.

It is a non-profit association which survives by selling its products.


If you have a Kawasaki Vulcan, we hope you find our website interesting and to follow the example of 10,639 others and subscribe to Vulcan Riders. A group of friends who exchange technical knowledge and eventually meet, offering the opportunity of healthy fun with people who have the same interests as you.

The entire administrative staff is voluntary, so there are no monthly fees or annualities, but much dedication and love for this family of lovers of Kawasaki Vulcan.

Our pillars are:

  • Brotherhood
  • Equality
  • Freedom

For information on how to join, see the “Contact” page.

The Board


Roberto Rodrígues

Vice President

Antonio Di Santo – Di Santo


Wilson Santos – Wil


Edson Silva – Ed

Members of the Board

Alcindo Cruz  – Alcindo

Marcos Rodrígues – Marcão

Ronaldo Oliveira- Lobo

Kahyr Silva – Kahyr

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