
VRA Chapters Around the World

Vulcan Riders Association France

Chapter #33


We are attached to the great world organization VRA (Vulcan Riders Association), of which we are the French chapter.

It is with great honor that we welcome in our ranks, members, former or future owners of Vulcan. We also have the great pleasure to welcome among us foreign friends, French, Belgians, and Luxembourgers, just as passionate as we are of their Vulcan.


Through this club we meet, find and ride together. But the French territory is large, so we divided it into four large regions to reduce the difficulties caused by the distances that separate us. Each of these regions is headed by a manager who will remain your privileged interlocutor.

You can get more information about us and contact us browsing the VRAF website using the navigation links in the menu. We wish you a good visit and we hope you find the information you were looking for.

The Board


Pierre Garnier – Wolf72

Vice President

 Gilbert Gimenes – Jimmy 51


Françoise Rabin


Chantal Bouigeon

Members of the Board

Maxime Veron

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