
VRA Chapters Around the World

VRA International Board

Chapter #0


The Vulcan Riders Association (VRA) is an owners association for owners of the Kawasaki Vulcan range of motorcycles known in the World as VN’s, Vulcan or EN in the case of the 400cc to 500cc models.

The VN’s span a range of models built around the 400, 500, 750, 800, 900, 1500, 1600, 1700 or 2000cc V-twin engine and the new Vulcan S 650.


The Vulcan Riders Association is an independent club, we promote the Kawasaki Vulcan and motorcycles in general as a fun and safe activity to be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.

The only restriction to membership is ownership (or being a family member of an owner) of a Kawasaki Vulcan motorcycle.

The Board

International President

Graham Rees-Nicholls – Badges

International Vice President

Helmuth Hönigsperger – Helmi

International Merchandise Officer

Tinie Pietersen – Lucky 500

International Coordinator Officer

Robert Fitzpatrick – Fitzy

International Webmaster

Julio Lescano Carroll – Vasinhell

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