
VRA Chapters Around the World

Vulcan Riders Thailand

Chapter #66


In Thailand, motorcyclists can still live out their dreams. The country is a paradise for motorcyclists. Due to the climatic conditions, riding is possible all year round. Sometimes you just have to be able to make friends with warmth and wetness. Fantastic motorcycle routes in an impressive landscape with friendly people await you.

In a small group of Kawasaki Vulcan lovers who live in Thailand, the idea of the integrating into the large VRA family as the 34th nation matured. We are very happy about the admission. 

Our motorcycle brand is very widespread in Thailand. We will grow up very fast.


The purpose and aim are to promote responsible motorcycling in a familiar and friendly environment through its activities. Promoting the image of motorcyclists, dutiful handling of the motorcycle, especially shown in public. Cultural trips through Thailand with contact to nature, culture, and the people. Exchange among the members on the subject of motorcycles.

We are a group made up of many nations living in Thailand in friendship and shared passion.

Our motto is friendship, openness, and tolerance.

The Board


Robert Merks – Dutch Delight

Vice President

Andrea Staples – Andrea


Hans Juergen Mueller – Turbo

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